UCAS Booklets
- Anchor Education has produced two booklets to assist students in applying to Universities
in the United Kingdom.
- The booklets are comprehensive, practical guides offering advice, useful web sites,
time scales and hints and tips from highly qualified contributors.
- Booklet 1, for UK students wanting to go to University in the UK, but living abroad,
is currently available at a cost of $18 which can be paid for via a donation through
the Payments page.
- Once the payment has been received the document will be emailed in pdf format to
the purchaser’s email address indicated during the purchasing procedure. (Purchasers
will need Adobe Reader installed on their computer to open the booklet).
- Click this link to reach the Adobe web site and download the free software.
- Booklet 2, for students of other nationalities living overseas, but wanting to go
to University in the UK, will be available shortly.